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Showing posts from November, 2017

My husband hides things from me, is that true?

"I am willing to feel that my husband hides things from me and that we lead separate lives." This sentence came from a Byron Katie "judge-your-neighbor-worksheet" that I just finished this morning. The idea that my husband hides things from me and lives a separate life from me, has  frightened me greatly in the past.  At one time, to cope with this fear, I employed myself as a detective. I didn't receive a salary. Instead, I earned a lot of terror, anxious adrenaline, and consequently, an emotional hangover that would plague me for days. Thank God I hung up my spying glass and my bloodhound instincts months and months ago. Last night I had a sort of relapse when I brought my husband his dinner and it appeared that he changed what was on his phone screen. This used to be a massive trigger for me as it poked at this fear of him having some other love, or need met outside of me (controlling). Truthfully, I don't know if he was picking out my bi...

Unsubscribe to guilt

Readers! I have taken a hiatus. Thank you for your patience. Guess what? I am not guilty for leaving my blog unattended. Guilt is my topic today. The message is: unsubscribe! I've been looking closely at Chapter 13 in  A Course in Miracles, titled, "The Guiltless World." After reading in section 1: "Love and guilt cannot coexist, and to accept one is to deny the other."  I find the message is so simple and so profound. I can not feel love in my heart when I am participating in guilting others or myself. Reading this chapter has made me aware of when I make others wrong and has inspired me to pursue a life without guilt. Let's dig deeper! Real life application :  The other day while at a four-way stop someone went out of queue and turned instead of me. I made a sound. You know those mouthy sounds that signify disgust, disappointment, disapproval. It was actually a really nice-appearing lady who smiled and waved in her mini-van, and  I felt sheepish for...