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Lap dancing is spiritual PART 2--the inner goddess and child.

A Course in Miracles teaches that there is only ONE MIND. In workbook lesson 95 its says,

You are one Self, in perfect harmony with all there is, and all that there will be. You are one Self, the holy Son of God, united with your brothers in that Self; united with your Father in His Will. 

This quote encourages me to remember that I am in harmony with my brothers and sisters, strippers, pimps and....trying to remember the name of the male strippers.....Chip & Dales :). I am ONE with them. If I walk into a strip club with the Dalai Lama (from Part 1's post), we can focus on experiencing the ONEness. My mind is exploring this thought..... 

I can admit that in order to go a strip club, I would want to feel safe and secure. One of the ways I am working on establishing safety within myself is tuning into and consulting my Higher Self, also referred to as "The Wisdom Seed of Potential," "The Divine Self," "Inner Guide", or "Inner Goddess." Here is an image that feels close to representing her: 

She is  wise, earthly curious and understanding, rather than defensive. She is loving, rather than judgmental. 

If I walk into the strip club with this lady, we can send love to all beings while observing what is occurring. If there is a sensual vibration that feels resonate, I can vibe off of it. If there is something I see that doesn't serve me in some way, I don't have to participate. I don't have to judge. I can ask how I can be helpful to myself and to the energy of all beings. I can observe just like I do in a botanical garden, or a grocery store, or a paint store. Just because I don't "like something" doesn't mean it can hurt me or should steal my peace. Why would I give away my power or my peace to something that is only an expression?

It also seems I walk in with my inner child. The parts of me that are unhealed or were not yet transformed to their highest, true state. My confusion from childhood about pornography and how it is "bad" for men to look at other women when they are married. The part of my inner child that feels threatened if I don't know how to be a sexy lady that men would want to look at.

I can envision my inner child feeling she is not safe. She would survey the room looking for threat. She would want to run, hide, or compare herself to others. She would feel inadequate and in fight or flight mode.

A Course in Miracles says that there are two thoughts systems: LOVE and fear. To me, it feels like these two inner influences. The child in me that feels vulnerable, small-minded and confused. My inner-goddess is grounded, all-knowing and aware of what she wants, likes, and is connected to SPIRIT so has no need to fear. 

No matter where I go, I go with these lovely ladies. If I keep an open inner dialogue, I don't ignore or disempower either. I can benefit from the curiosity, playfulness, vulnerability and energy of my inner child; and the poise, beauty, dignity, grace, and wisdom of my inner goddess.

I am ONE with my inner influences. I am ONE with all that is outer. I AM also ONE with the infinite intelligence of SPIRIT. I have access to all of these energies. It is a matter of where I place my attention and how I call upon these energies within.

Feels like more to come on this topic.....


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