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Be the love, not get the love

This blog is my journey to the Holy Relationship. I am seeking all signs, lessons, messages, symbols and teachings that give me a piece to this puzzle.

Yesterday the piece of peace I received was the notion of "being the love." I received this message in a counseling session. My client was expressing fear about her family members not being ok in the future. What came through the session was that even if her fear were to materialize and her grandson did go to jail, it wouldn't change HER function and her focus to BE THE LOVE. I have a similar feeling of fear of the future of my marriage. I fear that in the future, my husband will not choose me and he will leave me. I fear that all of the beautiful experiences we have shared will be overcome by resentment and distance. I fear the separation that A Course In Miracles talks about will essentially spoil our marriage. Fears of the future rob me of my opportunity to witness the blessing of being married NOW and offering the love of God to my husband NOW!

If we focus our energy and attention on being the love in each situation, we will feel at ease. When we feel a sense of disconnection and discomfort, it is as my teacher, Jennifer Hadley says, "The divine alarm clock going off." This is our warning sign that we have chosen to energize fear thoughts, often referred to as the thought system of the ego. It is also a sign we have left the present moment. In the present, God is available. God being truth. Truth being clear vision. Clear vision opening up the flow of spiritual qualities that are available in each moment: peace, love, tranquility, prosperity, creativity, and compassion.

The future is not ours to fret about. The future is God's to do. The future is also directly connected to how we choose to think, show up, and what we energize NOW. If our ultimate goal is to allow LOVE to heal all FEAR, it may serve us best to have our loved ones leave us so that we understand that it was never about GETTING their LOVE, it was about OFFERING the LOVE of GOD to them. As we offer the LOVE of GOD to them, we experience the LOVE of GOD for ourselves. If we think our relationships are about getting, we will never learn the power of giving. We will never experience the TRUTH that we are ONE with our loved ones. Therefore, what we hold against them, we hold against ourselves. What we withhold from them, we withhold from ourselves. What we offer from the overflow of the LOVE and grace we have received and that we ARE, is returned because it reverberates and reflects back.

Be the love and you will get love.

If you don't feel the LOVE of God, ask to be shown.


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